National Corruption Control and Human Welfare Organization has started conducting programmes which provide platform to Citizens to interact with Soldiers and their families. A programme was held in coordination with Sh Giat Nandan Jain, and members of SS Jain Sabha Talab Tiloo in the presence of Sh Rajinder Muni Ji Maharaj. Various Sabhas from Jain community of Jammu participated,along with decorated Soldiers and Veer Naris.
The event provided an opportunity to the audience to interact with Veer Naris and Decorated Soldiers and hear first hand account of bravery, dedication and sacrifices.Brig Harcharan Singh recalled material support given by great Jain Patriot, Bhama Shah, to MahaRana Pratap, to fight against the injustice of Baadshah Akbar. The initiative taken by Sh Rajinder Muni ji Maharaj shows the resolve of Jain Community to support the Army and the families of the Martyres.Battle experience was shared by Col Virender Kumar Sahi, VrC, Capt Bana Singh,PVC and Capt Mohd SadIq,SC. Veer Naris Savitri Devi and Arshid Bibi were also present.
Audience appreciated the efforts made by Sh Giat Nandan Jain from NCCHWO,who organized the event to motivate the youth and to instill Patriotism. When Patriotic songs were presented by Tejinder Singh, Suresh Bala and Anaya Mahajan, the hall was reviberated with the appreciation of the audience.
All Soldiers and Veer Naris were felicitated and blessed by Sh Rajinder Muni ji Maharaj.He appreciated selfless services and dedication of the soldiers and said that society must look after the families of the Veer Naris, who are pride of our country. Army presents a true picture of brotherhood, Patriotism and dedication, for whom country comes first ,Always and Everytime.
Sh Anoop Jain,Secy SS Jain Sabha, managed the stage.Vote of thanks was delivered by Sh Raman Jain . Capt Ghar Singh was also present from NCCHWO.
Brig Harcharan Singh informed that after his personal interaction with Chief Justice of J&K and Ladhakh High Court, directions have been passed by High Court of J&K to provide free legal Aid to all Veer Naris. He personally thanked all Govt Officials, NGOs and Citizens ,who provide support to soldiers and work tirelessly for their welfare.