1.For any Nation, Freedom is easy to be achieved but it is a big challenge to maintain it. To protect the cointry from the adverseries, Armed Forces are ultimate tool with the Govt. Soldiers protect the interests of the country with pride and dedication, even sacrificing their life in the course of their duty. It is morale duty of all citizens to express gratitude towards these sacrifices by looking after the families of Martyres. NCCHWO has been doing this onerous task in J&K ,under Project NAMAN,by adopting families of the Veer Naries.Many other NGOs have also proudly provided their support to NCCHWO by adopting the families of Martyres.
In continuation of such visit, the Team of NCCHWO lead by Brig Harcharan Singh, visited Veer Nari Anu Radha from Jammu.The adoption of the Veer Nari has been done by Suresh Bala ,who is a member of Inner Wheel Club, Jammu Tawi.
The team interacted with the Veer Nari and apprised her about various Welfare Schemes. Her documentation was checked by Brig Harcharan Singh and necessary guidance was rendered to her.Veer Nari was assured that they are not alone and the citizens of whole Country are part of their extended family.The Nation will never forget the sacrifices made by the Soldiers and NCCHWO will keep a close liasion with Veer Naris, to remind them that the freedom of the country is intact due to the sacrifices made by the Soldiers.Brig Harcharan Singh appreciated efforts of Ms Suresh Bala and President of Inner Wheel Club ,Jammu Tawi, Ms Paramjit Kour , who have adopted families of so many Veer Naris.
NCCHWO will continue to organize visits to Veer Naris by Citizens in near future also and would apprise the Nation about stories of valour and Sacrifices of soldiers, to motivate the youth.